Anna Harris

Anna Harris first worked as a doctor before studying anthropology and turning her ethnographic attention back to the medical world. Missing the hands-on element of clinical practice in academia, her work endeavors to find creative and practically engaging methods for researching and teaching questions of embodiment, learning, materiality and infrastructures of medical practice. During quarantine she has also been spending her days making papier-mâché rockets and solar system mobiles with her three-year-old son. Anna's current research, part of the Making Clinical Sense team project at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, is supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 678390).

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Digital Learning


Digital Learning

Digital learning could imply hands-on learning, a physical engagement of bodies and fingers (digits) finding out how to do something. But mostly it implies, par... More