Christopher Loperena

Christopher Loperena is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the CUNY Graduate Center. His research examines indigenous and black struggles for territorial autonomy in Central America; race, ethicality, and subject formation; and the sociospatial politics of development. In addition to his current book project, A Fragmented Paradise: Blackness and the Limits of Progress in Honduras, he is coediting a journal issue on the role of cultural evidence in the adjudication of black and indigenous rights. His work has been published in American Quarterly, Current Anthropology, Desacatos, Geoforum, and the Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

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A Crisis Foretold: On the Origins of the Migrant Caravan

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A Crisis Foretold: On the Origins of the Migrant Caravan

(Con traducción al español) In September 2015, while sitting in the zocalo in Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico, I was approached by a boy in his early teens. Gaping hol... More