Carlos Eduardo Henning

Carlos Eduardo Henning is an anthropologist and Associate Professor at the Social Sciences Faculty (FCS) and the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS) at the Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG), Brazil. Henning was a visiting scholar at UC Santa Cruz (2011–2012) and at Columbia University (2019). Currently, his research interests include LGBTIQ Gerontology and the transnational process of biopolitical constitution of new subjects, more specifically LGBTIQ elders. His broader work addresses issues on gender, sexuality, old age, generation, life course, urban studies, and queer anthropology.

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LGBTI Resistance in Contemporary Brazil

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LGBTI Resistance in Contemporary Brazil

“Marielle, present!” We shouted in unison. It was June 2018 and I was a guest attending the XV National LGBT Seminar, promoted by the National Congress in Brasi... More