2023 Cultural Horizons Prize: Call for Jury Members
The Cultural Horizons Prize, awarded yearly by a jury of advanced doctoral students, honors an article appearing in Cultural Anthropology during the preceding year. The prize recognizes work that pushes or opens up new horizons for anthropological inquiry and engagement. The award is presented at the American Anthropological Association (AAA) meetings.
For nearly three decades, the Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA) has distinguished itself with the largest graduate-student membership of any section of the American Anthropological Association, besides the National Association of Student Anthropologists. Recognizing that doctoral students are among the most experimentally minded and best-read members of the anthropology community, the SCA wants to know: “Who is opening up and cultivating new reading horizons and forms of engagement?”
The SCA is soliciting graduate student volunteers who have completed fieldwork, are ABD, and are willing to serve on the 2023 Cultural Horizons Prize Jury. The task involves reading through the 2022 volume of Cultural Anthropology over the summer before delivering a collective decision by early August. Jurors will be offered an opportunity to workshop a piece of writing with current SCA President Eleana Kim.
The SCA's commitment to interdisciplinary and experimental engagement, grounded ethnography, theoretical innovation, and a global, anti-colonial and anti-racist anthropology will guide the selection of jurors. We also aim to cover the widest range of interests consonant with SCA’s membership. To apply, applicants should submit to Andrea Ballestero (aballes@usc.edu, Cultural Horizons Committee Chair) the following:
A paragraph-length statement of research interests and qualifications. This paragraph should indicate your current status/stage of doctoral study.
A current Curriculum Vitae.
A short (one paragraph) note of recommendation from a dissertation committee member that should be sent directly to Andrea Ballestero (aballes@usc.edu).
Please use “Cultural Horizon Prize” in the subject heading when submitting your Application.
***Please note that ONLY advanced graduate students currently in the post-fieldwork, dissertation write-up stage are eligible.***
The deadline for receipt of all application materials is May 15, 2023.