Teaching Tools is dedicated to the intersections between pedagogy, ethnography, and anthropology. The section is a growing resource for instructors, teaching assistants, and students, with everything from discussion guides and in-class activities to critically minded reflections on the practice, politics, and poetics of teaching anthropology, whether inside the academy or in alternative settings.

Contact Us

Questions and proposals for guest posts can be sent to section editor, Dana McLachlin (danamclachlin@gmail.com).

The Case for Paying it Backward: Thanking the Teachers Who Leave Imprints

The Case for Paying it Backward: Thanking the Teachers Who Leave Imprints

When I wrote an email thanking my mentor for her guidance as I applied to graduate school, she replied with a note of acknowledgement, but ended with the reques... More

Teaching Ecological Distress

Teaching Ecological Distress

This collection is compiled by the Ecological Distress Collective, hosted at SOAS Anthropology. Introduction In recent years, the medical and psychological scie... More

What Teaching Economics Taught Me about Teaching Anthropology

What Teaching Economics Taught Me about Teaching Anthropology

It's normal to be nervous before the first day of classes, especially if it's your first time teaching at a particular institution. It's especially normal to be... More

Abolitionist Pedagogies

Abolitionist Pedagogies

What might it mean to seriously prioritize anti-carceral liberation from within anthropology classrooms? This is the question that inspired our “Abolitionist Pe... More

The Environmental Wayfarer Project: Problem Solving with an Eco-Anxious Generation

The Environmental Wayfarer Project: Problem Solving with an Eco-Anxious Generation

Many environmental problems in the twenty-first century seem practically unsolvable—pollution, corporate monopolies, climate change. Part of our responsibility,... More

Learning to Teach

Learning to Teach

With my first teaching appointment in 2017, I moved to Richmond, a new town where I didn’t know anyone. Almost as soon as I got there, I enrolled in the YMCA sw... More

Pedagogies for a Particular Time

Pedagogies for a Particular Time

As a teaching assistant and a resident advisor (RA) in an undergraduate dorm, many of my conversations on campus have focused on how students and educators are ... More

“Decanonization” as a Spiral: Collectively Constructing a “History of Anthropological Thought” Syllabus

“Decanonization” as a Spiral: Collectively Constructing a “History of Anthropological Thought” Syllabus

The authors of this piece together compose the Brandeis “History of Anthropological Thought” Syllabus Collective. *   *   * “We say the Earth has a circular orb... More

The Political Statement: Thinking Beyond the End-of-Term Paper

The Political Statement: Thinking Beyond the End-of-Term Paper

This past Fall, while serving as faculty instructor (Alyssa) and graduate student instructor (Felipe) for an introductory course in socio-cultural anthropology,... More

Editorializing the Classroom: Teaching Collaboratively in the Digital Age

Editorializing the Classroom: Teaching Collaboratively in the Digital Age

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, educators and students were faced with the precarity of a post-Covid, post-Zoom classroom and are now tasked with answering the... More