Editors’ Forum

These Fieldsights sections feature series of ten or more short-form essays, which bring together scholars across institutions and career stages to weigh in on a shared topic. These pieces are reviewed by the editors of Cultural Anthropology.

How to Submit

View the submission guidelines. Please email culanth@culanth.org with any questions.

Necessary but Never Sufficient: Rethinking Facts from Latin America

Theorizing the Contemporary

Necessary but Never Sufficient: Rethinking Facts from Latin America

This collection is a reflection on the changing nature of facts, written by authors who do their thinking from Latin America. Conceived during a time where fact... More


Theorizing the Contemporary


Substituting one thing for another–things, people, habits–happens all the time. Substitution is so mundane that it can easily be taken for granted as a natural ... More

Anthropology in a Time of Genocide: On Nakba and Return, continued

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Anthropology in a Time of Genocide: On Nakba and Return, continued

This is a continuation of the series, Anthropology in a Time of Genocide: On Nakba and Return, published on October 31. The essays in this series were written d... More

Anthropology in a Time of Genocide: On Nakba and Return

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Anthropology in a Time of Genocide: On Nakba and Return

The essays in this series were written during the summer of 2024, and may not fully address rapidly escalating violence in the region. As the essays in this ser... More

Counter Archives: Fieldnotes from the Encampments

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Counter Archives: Fieldnotes from the Encampments

Three co-editors put this special issue together. Two remain anonymous due to the unevenly distributed repression that places them at greater risk. In the weeks... More

Coastal Futures

Theorizing the Contemporary

Coastal Futures

Over the last fifty years, efforts to create, plan, and manage coastal zones have multiplied globally in the face of threats posed by intensifying development a... More

A la izquierda del poder

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A la izquierda del poder

(English translation below) Esta colección de ensayos reflexiona sobre la llegada al poder, por primera vez en la historia del país, de la izquierda democrática... More

Woman, Life, Freedom

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Woman, Life, Freedom

On September 16, 2022, Mahsa Zhina Amini, a twenty-two-year-old woman from the Iranian province of Kurdistan, died in Tehran due to injuries incurred while in p... More

The "Marcha a Lima" against the Denial of Modern Political Rights

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The "Marcha a Lima" against the Denial of Modern Political Rights

Pedro Castillo, a rural school teacher, was sworn in as President of Peru on July 28, 2021; his victory built on solid electoral support from Andean Indigenous ... More


Theorizing the Contemporary


In what ways does the Plantationocene offer an analytic for specifying a planetary condition? Driven by this question, this collection of short essays provides... More