Cultural Anthropology's pledge drive complete


Cultural Anthropology's OACIP (Open Access Community Investment Program) pledge drive came to a close on July 31st, and we are delighted to announce that it was a resounding success! [For more information on the SCA’s OACIP drive, please see this earlier announcement]

In total, forty-six institutions—including university libraries, departments, school deans, and research institutes—pledged to support SCA’s portion of the journal budget for five years. In combination with financial support from Princeton University and Pomona University, these funds will permit SCA to continue publishing Cultural Anthropology as a "diamond open access" journal (meaning that our articles are freely available at all times, in perpetuity, under a Creative Commons license held by the author, who is not charged an article processing fee, or APC).

The year-long process of collaborating with OACIP has revealed to us that many university librarians not only have funds earmarked for open access publications, but also are eager to support diamond open access journals, rather than paying subscriptions to for-profit publishers. LYRASIS’s OACIP provides the structure for libraries and other institutions to support OA journals that are valuable to their faculty and students and align with their core principles.

We would like to extend special thanks to Sharla Lair at LYRASIS, Tim Elfenbein, Kate Herman, Marcel LaFlamme, Heather Paxson, Brad Weiss, Chris Nelson, Anne Allison, Charlie Piot, Dominic Boyer, Anand Pandian, the SCA board, the Cultural Anthropology editorial collective, and everyone else who lent a hand by forwarding emails to librarians, department heads, and deans, and expressed their support for SCA in our efforts to make anthropology a more open and inclusive enterprise.

Thank you for being part of the collective effort—we couldn’t have done it without you!