Laura-Zoë Humphreys

Laura-Zoë Humphreys is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Tulane University. She is currently working on two book projects: an ethnography of how gender shapes informal media economies, funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and a study of a previously unidentified transnational film genre—the bureaucrat comedy—as it developed in state socialist and liberal capitalist contexts. Her first monograph, Fidel between the Lines: Paranoia and Ambivalence in Late Socialist Cuban Cinema (Duke UP, 2019) demonstrates how struggles over allegory and textual interpretation shape the public sphere. Her work has also appeared in boundary 2, Discourse, and Social Text.

Posts by This Author

The Gender of Media Piracy

Visual and New Media Review

The Gender of Media Piracy

(Con traducción al español abajo) Media piracy has long been a dominant means through which people in much of the world access global media flows, yet the essen... More