María Eugenia Ulfe

María Eugenia Ulfe is Senior Professor in Anthropology at the Department of Social Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). She coordinates the interdisciplinary Research group in Memory and Democracy at PUCP. She is honorary professor at Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga (Ayacucho, Peru) and at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, United Kingdom). With Ximena Málaga Sabogal, she published Reparando Mundos: Víctimas y Estado en los Andes peruanos (PUCP, 2021), honorary mentioned Book Award by Peru Section at Latin American Studies Association (2022).

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Silent Wars are Opening: Memory Practices and Political Uprisings in Peru

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Silent Wars are Opening: Memory Practices and Political Uprisings in Peru

Violence can take multiple forms and its aftermaths exceed human casualties to include consequences imprinted in places: mountains, rivers, territories. In Peru... More