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How would you like to describe yourself to our readers? Feel free to include research interests or recent publications; you may provide an institutional affiliation but this is not required. Please limit your response to one paragraph.
These results are drawn from our Fieldsights content, as well as announcements and information pages.
These results are drawn from articles published in Cultural Anthropology since 2014.
Writing Publics
By Vincent Debaene
November 2013
This paper offers a study of French anthropological tradition in a comparative perspective. It focuses on French anthropologists' writing practices and, in ... More
Futures of Neoliberalism
By Jason Hickel
February 2014
This article explores the violent, anti-immigrant riots that swept through informal settlements in South Africa in 2008, during which more than sixty foreigners... More
Futures of Neoliberalism
By Hadas Weiss
February 2014
What motivates people to make home purchases that seem imprudent in narrowly economic terms, and how does the salience of homeownership debt shape political str... More
By Joseph Dumit
May 2014
This article puts a reading of Gilles Deleuze’s Cinema 2 in dialogue with Donna Haraway’s works and methods. Working through the former helps me unpack the proc... More
Race Theory/Anthropology Today
By Tami Navarro, Bianca Williams, Attiya Ahmad
June 2017
This text explores the difficulties faced by faculty of color, particularly women of color, in the academy. Building on existing literature on these issues, the... More
Writing Publics
By João Biehl
November 2013
In this article, I return to my engagements with people in the field not only to address the specific circumstances and trajectories I encountered there, but to... More
Futures of Neoliberalism
By Bruce O'Neill
February 2014
The homeless, in post-Communist Bucharest, Romania, are bored. They describe themselves as bored all of the time. Drawing upon nearly three years of ethnographi... More
By David Bond
November 2013
This article presents an embedded analysis of how scientists and federal officials scrambled to get a handle on the deepwater blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. Tak... More
By Susan Cook, Rebecca Hardin
June 2017
Sovereignty and governance in contemporary Africa are hotly contested issues with important—even dire—consequences for all those interested in the continent'... More
By Michael Fisch
June 2017
This article considers the treatment of commuter train suicides in Tokyo's commuter train network in an effort to think critically about the lived experienc... More
By Jarrett Zigon
November 2013
In this article I critically engage the view that the enactment of human rights is the enactment of moral and political progress. Drawing on my research of inte... More
By Antina von Schnitzler
November 2013
In this article, I explore the politics of infrastructure in South Africa by focusing on the "travels" of a small technical device. Since the end of a... More
Race Theory/Anthropology Today
By L. Kaifa Roland
June 2017
Because Cuban "race" operates on a flexible black–white continuum, with performance and social markers like class and foreign-ness affecting racial as... More
By Christina Schwenkel
June 2017
This article explores the engineering of affect in socialist urban design and subsequent changes in the affective register of a rapidly growing city in late soc... More
Futures of Neoliberalism
By Saida Hodžić
June 2017
This article asks what anthropology can contribute to public and scholarly debates about politics of knowledge in global governance and argues that bringing tog... More
By Richard Handler
June 2017
Like most disciplinary scholars, anthropologists have been reluctant to reorganize their undergraduate programs to speak directly to student concerns. Yet, stud... More
Race Theory/Anthropology Today
By John Hartigan
June 2017
This article confronts the cultural limitation of critical race work in the United States by examining genomic practices at two national institutes in Mexico—on... More
By Abou Farman
November 2013
The relationship between life, death, and personhood is articulated by the body, without which there would be no such relationship to begin with. How do secular... More
Futures of Neoliberalism
By Daena Aki Funahashi
June 2017
Coming out from the shadow of the economic crisis of the 1990s, the neoliberalizing Finnish state identified another emergent threat: "burnout," a men... More
Futures of Neoliberalism
By Noelle J. Molé
June 2017
Psychological workplace harassment, called "mobbing," can include vicious bullying but also practices normative within neoliberal labor regimes. It ha... More