Aideen Catherine O’Shaughnessy

Dr. Aideen Catherine O'Shaughnessy is a Lecturer in Sociology in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Lincoln, United Kingdom. She is interested in the study of emotions, affect, and embodiment, specifically as they relate to abortion, reproductive politics, and feminist social movements. She has published widely on Irish and transnational abortion access and politics in journals, including the European Journal of Women's Studies, the British Medical Journal Sexual and Reproductive Health, and the Community Development Journal. She is co-convener of the Reproductive Justice Research Network.

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“It’s Part of Reproductive Life”: Lessons from the Irish Abortion Rights Movement on the Importance of “Ordinary” Stories

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“It’s Part of Reproductive Life”: Lessons from the Irish Abortion Rights Movement on the Importance of “Ordinary” Stories

My biggest issue was the centering of the fatal fetal anomaly cases. There was no space for someone to say, “I just didn’t want to be pregnant” or “I already ha... More