Christos Varvantakis

Christos Varvantakis has a background in social anthropology and sociology and currently works at Goldsmiths, University of London, where he is Co-Investigator for the ERC-funded research programme Children’s Photography Archive. Varvantakis’s research focuses on the intersections of childhood, politics, archives and urban cultures, as well as on qualitative, visual, and multimodal research methodologies. He is Co-Editor of the online journal entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography and Head of Programming of Ethnofest: the Athens Ethnographic Film Festival.

Posts by This Author

Rethinking Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution (Part II)

Visual and New Media Review

Rethinking Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution (Part II)

This post is part of a two-post series. See "Rethinking Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution (Part I)" for the first installment. ... More

Rethinking Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution (Part I)

Visual and New Media Review

Rethinking Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution (Part I)

This post is part of a two-post series. See "Rethinking Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution (Part II)" to continue this conversation with us. ... More