Henyo Trindade Barretto Filho

Henyo Trindade Barretto Filho has a PhD in Social Anthropology (University of São Paulo, 2001) and is professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of Brasília—where he also collaborates with the Professional Masters’ Program in Sustainability of Traditional Peoples and Territories. His doctoral research focused on protected areas and development policies in the Amazon region. He has also taught at the Federal University of Amazonas and worked as program manager in NGOs both in the state of Amazonas and in Brasília, focusing equally on biodiversity conservation and rights-based empowerment of grassroots organizations.

Posts by This Author

A Tale of Ruination: Amazon Forest Peoples and the Deadly Synergistic Effects of the Pandemic

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A Tale of Ruination: Amazon Forest Peoples and the Deadly Synergistic Effects of the Pandemic

“Land Grabbers, Loggers, and Prospectors Make No Home Office” —Greenpeace Amazon campaign op-ed headline, March 31, 2020The 1988 Brazilian Constitution estab... More

The Amazon under Bolsonaro: Back to Conventional Frontier Economics—In Its Most Radical Version

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The Amazon under Bolsonaro: Back to Conventional Frontier Economics—In Its Most Radical Version

The Brazilian Amazon has long played the role of resource frontier in colonial and national projects, and has been the subject of development schemes as old as ... More