Kitana Ananda

Posts by This Author

Socialities of Indignation: Denouncing Party Politics in Karachi: Supplemental Material


Socialities of Indignation: Denouncing Party Politics in Karachi: Supplemental Material

Editorial Footnotes Cultural Anthropology has published several recent articles on violence, including Ruchi Chaturvedi’s ‘“Somehow it Happened”: Violence, Culp... More

Some Carry On, Some Stay in Bed: (In)convenient Affects and Agency in Neoliberal Nicaragua: Supplemental Material


Some Carry On, Some Stay in Bed: (In)convenient Affects and Agency in Neoliberal Nicaragua: Supplemental Material

Editorial Footnotes Cultural Anthropology has published several essays that examine affect and/or materiality. See, for example, Christina Schwenkel’s “Post/Soc... More