Refusing “Undocumented”: Imagining Survival Beyond the Gift of Papers

Refusing “Undocumented”: Imagining Survival Beyond the Gift of Papers

Audra Simpson (2014, 22) has described how accepting the supposed gift of citizenship from the U.S. or Canadian governments is an impossible project for the Ind... More

How Should We Think of the Sentinel Islanders?

How Should We Think of the Sentinel Islanders?

The last time the inhabitants of Sentinel Island were caught in the glare of global media attention was in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami. The image of a Sen... More

Armed with Red Lipstick

Armed with Red Lipstick

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

Producing Pleasure: Emotional Labor and Substance Use in Brooklyn’s Queer Nightlife

Producing Pleasure: Emotional Labor and Substance Use in Brooklyn’s Queer Nightlife

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

Microdosing at Work: Reworking Bodies and Chemicals

Microdosing at Work: Reworking Bodies and Chemicals

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

From Ebola to Plague and Beyond: How Can Anthropologists Best Engage Past Experience to Prepare for New Epidemics?

From Ebola to Plague and Beyond: How Can Anthropologists Best Engage Past Experience to Prepare for New Epidemics?

In August 2017, a man who had recently traveled by shared taxi from the central highlands of Madagascar to Tamatave (via Antananarivo) died after a brief illnes... More

A Politics of Worldbuilding

A Politics of Worldbuilding

Recently, political anthropologists and theorists have attempted to address two interrelated concerns. The first is a seemingly widespread lack of motivation fo... More

Caring as Chemo-Ethnographic Method

Caring as Chemo-Ethnographic Method

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

Chemical Youth: Chemical Mediations and Relations at Work

Chemical Youth: Chemical Mediations and Relations at Work

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

Settler Atmospherics

Settler Atmospherics

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More