While not formally reviewed, posts in these Fieldsights sections reflect the breadth and pace of anthropological conversations today. Many of them are written by early-career scholars in the SCA's Contributing Editors Program.
On Roads: A Review Letter
Munich, January 2016 Dear Penny and Hannah, We recently had the pleasure of reading your new book Roads: An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise. The oc... More
Reflecting on the Scholar-in-Residence Program: An Interview with Angela Jenks
Over the past six months, the Teaching Tools section of the Cultural Anthropology website has been proud to host Angela Jenks as our inaugural Scholar-in-Reside... More
collaboration, n. Pronunciation: /kəˌlabəˈreɪʃən/ Etymology: noun of action, < Latin collabōrāre to collaborate v.: probably immediately < French. 1. Uni... More
Preparing Your Teaching Demonstration
A teaching demonstration is one of the most important parts of a job interview at a teaching-focused university, small liberal arts college, or community colleg... More
Biographies of Taste: Teaching Humanitarian Food Aid with Micah M. Trapp
Micah M. Trapp is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Memphis. Using Trapp’s article as a jumping-off point, this Teac... More
Demanding to Be Seen: An Interview with Lisa Poggiali
Andrés García Molina (AGM) and Franziska Weidle (FW): To begin, could you tell us more about how you developed a working relationship with the Muhimu Mapping Pr... More
Refusal as Ethnographic Concept: An Interview with Carole McGranahan, Elisa Sobo, and Erica Weiss
Charles A. McDonald: Could you tell our readers a bit about how this collection came together? Was refusal already a concept or an analytic that you were all le... More
Why Don't Students Read?
I once dismissed a class because no one had done the reading. I was teaching a lower-division course called “Peoples and Cultures of Africa,” and for two weeks ... More
Bodies, Environments, Inheritances: An Interview with Janelle Lamoreaux
Charlie Lotterman: To start off our conversation, can you situate this article within your own personal and academic history? What concerns did it grow out of, ... More
Crafting a Statement of Teaching Philosophy
A statement of teaching philosophy is the cornerstone of any teaching portfolio and is required for most academic job applications. But it is often a challengin... More