While not formally reviewed, posts in these Fieldsights sections reflect the breadth and pace of anthropological conversations today. Many of them are written by early-career scholars in the SCA's Contributing Editors Program.
The Theft of Carnaval: National Spectacle and Racial Politics in Rio de Janeiro: Supplemental Material
Interview with the AuthorKevin Carrico: What has inspired your work in the field of ritual, and in what ways does your work contribute to the study of these iss... More
Subaltern Struggles and the Politics of Place: Remapping Resistance in Zimbabwe's Eastern Highlands: Supplemental Material
Editorial FootnotesCultural Anthropology has published many essays on place. See, for example, Gastón Gordillo's "The Dialectic of Estrangement: Memory and the ... More
"Your Eyes Are Green like Dollars": Counterfeit Cash, National Substance, and Currency Apartheid in 1990s Russia: Supplemental Material
Editorial Overview In “‘Your Eyes are Green Like Dollars’,” Alaina Lemon analyzes Russians’ relationships with currency in the 1990s. She demonstrates how disco... More
Northwestern Tanzania on a Single Shilling: Sociality, Embodiment, Valuation: Supplemental Material
Interview With Brad Weiss [The author chose to respond to the three questions asked together, rather than individually. The questions are reproduced below, foll... More
The Writing on the Walls: The Graffiti of the Intifada: Supplemental Material
Editor's OverviewIn this article, Julie Peteet offers an early example of the ways in which anthropologists have wrestled with the production (and implications)... More
Beyond Writing: Feminist Practice and the Limitations of Ethnography: Supplemental Material
Interview With the AuthorCA: What is the purpose of telling stories?I don’t see stories as having any singular purpose. In different contexts, stories have diff... More
Fear as a Way of Life: Supplemental Material
Editor's OverviewGreen's analysis of the chronic experience of insecurity among women in Guatemala's Xe'caj region explores the structure of everyday fear in a ... More
Somatic Modes of Attention: Supplemental Material
Interview with Thomas Csordas Editors: Please provide a description of what affect means to you. Is it distinct from "emotion"? If so, how?Thomas Csordas: It ha... More
The Postmodern Crisis: Discourse, Parody, Memory: Supplemental Material
Interview With the AuthorCA: What is the purpose of telling stories?Is there, in fact, a purpose in telling stories? Clearly not. Stories have many purposes, an... More
Death and Memory: From Santa María del Monte to Miami Beach: Supplemental Material
Interview With the AuthorCA: What is the purpose of telling stories? What do stories want?We tell stories because we’ve had an experience, or witnessed somethin... More
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