Member Voices showcases the intellectual vitality of the SCA by featuring the work of its members, as well as archived content from discontinued Fieldsights sections. We publish short pieces which engage contemporary disciplinary conversations within anthropology. We welcome submissions which put current events in conversation with anthropological thought and literature. We encourage creativity and collaboration, aiming to create a forum which propels the discipline in new and exciting directions.

How to Submit

View the submission guidelines. Please email Member Voices Section Editor Riddhi Pandey at with any questions. Authors must be current members of the SCA.

Comprehensive Immigration Policy . . . for Whom?

Comprehensive Immigration Policy . . . for Whom?

Last week, I interviewed Adam, an undocumented day laborer from Mexico, who has been in the United States less than ten years and who is now sheltered after liv... More

On Accidental Recoveries and Predictable Disasters: The Haitian Earthquake Three Years Later

On Accidental Recoveries and Predictable Disasters: The Haitian Earthquake Three Years Later

On Saturday, January 12, 2013, I found myself in a traffic standstill on the outbound lanes of the George Washington Bridge in New York City. As the wind and th... More

Entangled Finance, Karen Ho, and a Genuinely Free Lunch

Entangled Finance, Karen Ho, and a Genuinely Free Lunch

It might be tempting, especially for an anthropologist who thinks a lot about finance, to frame the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association a... More



For our first round of Field Notes, we have asked our contributors to explore how they arrived at all the "first times" that pepper the training and fieldwork o... More

Rituals of Mourning in the Public Sphere: A #AAA2012 Panel Review

Rituals of Mourning in the Public Sphere: A #AAA2012 Panel Review

How do various emotional responses emerge out of rituals of public mourning? This was the question examined in various contexts by the panel “Mass Mourning: Obj... More

How to Research Affect Ethnographically: A #AAA2012 Panel Review

How to Research Affect Ethnographically: A #AAA2012 Panel Review

How are anthropologists and other ethnographers to study the seemingly ephemeral and slippery category of affect? This was the question taken up by the three pr... More

Animacy: A #AAA2012 Panel Review

Animacy: A #AAA2012 Panel Review

Animacy Panelists: Allen Feldman; Anand Pandian; Kathleen Stewart; Hugh Raffles Discussant: Timothy Choy To Timothy Choy’s thinking, describing animacy is alway... More

Walking Around in Lauren Berlant's Elliptical Life: A Review of Culture at Large 2012

Walking Around in Lauren Berlant's Elliptical Life: A Review of Culture at Large 2012

On Biopolitics and the Attachment to Life Organizers: Eleana Kim (University of California, Irvine) and Zeynep Gürsel (Macalester College) Featured Guest: Laure... More

Night Falls Silent in Damascus

Night Falls Silent in Damascus

It’s 2 a.m. and the night falls silent outside his window. Finally the sounds have stopped. The computer screen shimmers brightly with a stream of Twitter feeds... More

Gleanings from a Para-Site: The Multispecies Salon II

Gleanings from a Para-Site: The Multispecies Salon II

Visitors to The Multispecies Salon II at the 2008 meetings of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in San Francisco could hear the twitter of live coc... More