Member Voices showcases the intellectual vitality of the SCA by featuring the work of its members, as well as archived content from discontinued Fieldsights sections. We publish short pieces which engage contemporary disciplinary conversations within anthropology. We welcome submissions which put current events in conversation with anthropological thought and literature. We encourage creativity and collaboration, aiming to create a forum which propels the discipline in new and exciting directions.

How to Submit

View the submission guidelines. Please email Member Voices Section Editor Riddhi Pandey at with any questions. Authors must be current members of the SCA.



Sport has recently attracted close ethnographic interest as an object of discipline, a realm of popular culture through spectatorship, and through the contemp... More



This month, Field Notes invites four scholars to consider the theme of aging. What has anthropology contributed to the study of aging? How does aging and associ... More

The Politics of Memory

The Politics of Memory

Collective memory is increasingly the language by which individuals and groups struggle over their own identity and makes demands in the public sphere. Since ... More



Julie Guthman, Dylan Gordon, Heather Paxson, and Brad Weiss consider the topic of food in this Field Notes series.... More

Studying Unformed Objects

Studying Unformed Objects

. . . it is not enough for us to open our eyes, to pay attention, to be aware, for new objects suddenly to light up and emerge out of the ground.—Michel Foucaul... More

Beginning a Sketch of Accumulation by Dispossession in Contemporary Cambodia

Beginning a Sketch of Accumulation by Dispossession in Contemporary Cambodia

Accumulation by dispossession is on a freight train in Cambodia. Protected from capitalist economic development under the tutelage of Vietnam from 1979 to 1989,... More



Many scholars have noted vision’s privileged place within modern knowledge production, and contemporary technologies—from Google Earth to video cameras for lapa... More



During this round of Field Notes, we have invited four scholars to think through the implications of a turn toward ethics and morality in anthropology and to ex... More



Today marks two years since a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan's Tohoku region. A string of additional catastrophes— tsunamis and nuclear explosions—closely f... More



Ruminations on affect, the passions, and emotion have intrigued students of the human experience for centuries. As early as Durkheim's descriptions of collectiv... More