While not formally reviewed, posts in these Fieldsights sections reflect the breadth and pace of anthropological conversations today. Many of them are written by early-career scholars in the SCA's Contributing Editors Program.
The Internet
The Internet is a ubiquitous part of contemporary life, yet conceptually it is impalpable and defies easy definition. For those less technically literate, its m... More
Fieldwork and Morality
For this episode of AnthroPod, contributing editor Ea Arnoldi interviewed Sverker Finnström, a senior lecturer in the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Et... More
What Kind of a Problem is Obesity? Teaching Ignorance, Knowledge, and Health with Emilia Sanabria
Emilia Sanabria is a lecturer in social anthropology at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. This Teaching Tools post presents some of Sanabria’s refle... More
Screening Room: Peasant Family Happiness
We hope you were able to enjoy the film Peasant Family Happiness! The film has been taken down, but this page will remain up with the filmmaker interview and ot... More
The Materiality of Finance: An Interview with Sarah Besky
Ned Dostaler: Can you say a little bit about how you became interested in studying the financialization of tea markets in Kolkata and, furthermore, contextualiz... More
Teaching Resources Round-Up
At the most recent annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in Denver, I presented on and attended several panels focused on teaching-re... More
Addressing the Present: An Interview with Kabir Tambar
Helena Zeweri: Through the lens of Selahattin Demirtaș’s address on the protests in Gezi Park in Istanbul, your article offers a different angle on how to under... More
Teaching and Learning in Anthropology
Hello! I’m excited to be serving as the inaugural Scholar-in-Residence for the Teaching Tools section of the Cultural Anthropology website. I have been teaching... More
Selva Life and Death: A Conversation in Images with Kristina Lyons
Julia Sizek: I wanted to start this interview with the first photo that appears in your article, where we see a house almost entirely hidden by the selva. In th... More
Helena Wulff on Writing Anthropology
On this episode of AnthroPod, Helena Wulff discusses the practice of writing in anthropology and differences between writing for academic and popular audiences.... More