The very first form of web content to be produced by the SCA, Supplemental posts extend the reach and impact of articles published in Cultural Anthropology through author interviews, discussion questions, and other materials not included in the text of the article.

How to Submit

At this time, Supplemental posts are limited to Contributing Editors.

The Intimate Life of Populism: Interview with Bo Kyeong Seo

The Intimate Life of Populism: Interview with Bo Kyeong Seo

Ola Galal: Populism gives rise to multiple and intertwined modes of being—multiple becomings—that are best captured as you argue through a micro history of Ta... More

Disabled Lives, Personhood, and Politics in Uganda: An Interview with Tyler Zoanni

Disabled Lives, Personhood, and Politics in Uganda: An Interview with Tyler Zoanni

In this interview, we sat down with Tyler Zoanni to discuss his article “Appearances of Disability and Christianity in Uganda” published in August 2019 in Cultu... More

Teaching Kinship as a Crossroads with Kathryn Mariner

Teaching Kinship as a Crossroads with Kathryn Mariner

This post will present a lesson plan and short author interview to accompany Kathryn Mariner’s article “‘Who you are in these pieces of paper’: Imagining Future... More

The Unwitnessed Death: An Interview with Jason Danely

The Unwitnessed Death: An Interview with Jason Danely

Vaia Sigounas: The opening scene where you have just tucked your children into bed for the night serves as a jarring juxtaposition to the rest of the paper whic... More

The Anthropologist as Con Artist: An Interview with Sasha Newell

The Anthropologist as Con Artist: An Interview with Sasha Newell

Scott Ross (SR): This was a really engaging article, and I enjoyed watching the different frames shift as we follow the scheme (or schemes) at the heart of it. ... More

Rethinking Nature and Migration: An Interview with Bettina Stoetzer

Rethinking Nature and Migration: An Interview with Bettina Stoetzer

Ashley Elizabeth Drake: The research for this article emerges from fieldwork with immigrant communities, environmentalists, ecologists, and other urban resident... More

Rethinking Populism: An Interview with Robert Samet

Rethinking Populism: An Interview with Robert Samet

Ola Galal: You argue that the mistake of scholars and activists who oppose right-wing populism around the world is that they have failed to take seriously the r... More

Drawing Care with Jean Hunleth

Drawing Care with Jean Hunleth

The pedagogical activities in this post encourage students to engage with Jean Hunleth’s concept of imaginal caring and the creative promises of drawing as an e... More

Making Violence Visible: An Interview with Samuel Mark Anderson

Making Violence Visible: An Interview with Samuel Mark Anderson

Scott Ross (SR): In your article you introduce the notion of a “politics by prospection” which, in its many different forms, involves processes of diagnosis, re... More

What is Finance? A Conversation with Keith Hart, Daromir Rudnyckyj, and Caitlin Zaloom

What is Finance? A Conversation with Keith Hart, Daromir Rudnyckyj, and Caitlin Zaloom

Jen Hughes and Tariq Rahman: Collectively, these essays span vastly different parts of the world. However, one of the concepts that holds them together is finan... More