AnthroPod is the podcast of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, and is produced by a collaborative, nonhierarchical collective of Contributing Editors. Featuring conversations between anthropologists as well as experiments in sonic ethnography, the channel sees itself as a platform which amplifies the polyphony of voices within cultural anthropology. Our episodes explore conceptual, methodological, and pedagogical issues across the discipline, while striving to make anthropology more widely accessible to all publics.

Contact Us

Questions and proposals for guest-produced episodes can be sent to section editors Michelle Hak Hepburn, Joyce Rivera-González, and Nick Smith at [email protected]

The Anthropology of Media in a Post-Truth Era

The Anthropology of Media in a Post-Truth Era

In this episode of AnthroPod, we bring you a recording of a panel at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, which was entitled “Ex... More

More-than-Human Politics

More-than-Human Politics

In this episode of AnthroPod, guest producers Stine Krøijer and Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen take up a debate that is central to current environmental and politi... More

AnthroBites: Sovereignty

AnthroBites: Sovereignty

AnthroBites is a new series from the AnthroPod team, designed to make anthropology more digestible. Each episode tackles a key concept, text, or theme, and brea... More

Drone: Anthropology, Poetry, Military

Drone: Anthropology, Poetry, Military

This episode of AnthroPod is about the representation of drone warfare, as told from the perspective of an anthropologist (Hugh Gusterson), a poet (Kim Garcia),... More

AnthroBites: Scientific Racism

AnthroBites: Scientific Racism

AnthroBites is a new series from the AnthroPod team, designed to make anthropology more digestible. Each episode tackles a key concept, text, or theme, and brea... More

Ethnography and Design 3: Labor in the Gig Economy

Ethnography and Design 3: Labor in the Gig Economy

This AnthroPod episode is the last in a three-part series on the intersection of ethnography and design. The series was inspired by the conference “Ethnography ... More

Ethnography and Design 2: Swedish Design and Ethnocharrettes

Ethnography and Design 2: Swedish Design and Ethnocharrettes

This AnthroPod episode is the second in a three-part series on the intersection of ethnography and design. The series was inspired by the conference “Ethnograph... More

Ethnography and Design 1: Disability, Design, and Performance

Ethnography and Design 1: Disability, Design, and Performance

This AnthroPod episode is the first in a three-part series on the intersection of ethnography and design, based on the conference “Ethnography and Design: Mutua... More

Animals and Anthropology

Animals and Anthropology

There has been a recent fluorescence of anthropological interest in human-animal relationships, animals in society, and animal politics in a conjuncture often c... More

Socializing Through Technology: Pokémon GO in Downtown Detroit

Socializing Through Technology: Pokémon GO in Downtown Detroit

In this episode of AnthroPod, guest podcaster David Leins examines the impact of Pokémon GO on communities, both digital and physical, in downtown Detroit. Poké... More