Member Voices showcases the intellectual vitality of the SCA by featuring the work of its members, as well as archived content from discontinued Fieldsights sections. We publish short pieces which engage contemporary disciplinary conversations within anthropology. We welcome submissions which put current events in conversation with anthropological thought and literature. We encourage creativity and collaboration, aiming to create a forum which propels the discipline in new and exciting directions.

How to Submit

View the submission guidelines. Please email Member Voices Section Editor Riddhi Pandey at with any questions. Authors must be current members of the SCA.

Forum: Culture at Large 2018 with Robin Kelley

Forum: Culture at Large 2018 with Robin Kelley

At the 2018 annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, the Society for Anthropology's signature Culture at Large session honored the work of hi... More

States, Elections, and The Promise of Newness: Thinking with Pakistan’s 2018 General Election

States, Elections, and The Promise of Newness: Thinking with Pakistan’s 2018 General Election

In the winter of 2017, as villagers in Pakistan’s Punjab region discussed an irrigation canal breach, one of them, Shahab baba, reflected: “Ayub da time changa ... More

Black Availability: Antimigrant Policies in Africa and the Exploitation of Black Migrants

Black Availability: Antimigrant Policies in Africa and the Exploitation of Black Migrants

Restricting African migration to Europe has proved to be good politics for both European and North African leaders. As “tough on crime” strategies of blocking b... More

What is the Midwest Thinking? U.S. Regionalism and Nationalism

What is the Midwest Thinking? U.S. Regionalism and Nationalism

The Midwest region has become a bellwether of American national politics. Media discourses often presume that Midwestern attributes or plights manifest themselv... More



Intellectual currents such as actor-network theory, environmental philosophy, speculative realism, and new (or neo-)materialism have challenged common-sense und... More

Refusing “Undocumented”: Imagining Survival Beyond the Gift of Papers

Refusing “Undocumented”: Imagining Survival Beyond the Gift of Papers

Audra Simpson (2014, 22) has described how accepting the supposed gift of citizenship from the U.S. or Canadian governments is an impossible project for the Ind... More

Touch: An #AmAnth2018 Panel Review

Touch: An #AmAnth2018 Panel Review

Touch: Tangible Difference, Worlding Techniques Touch: Contact, Ethics, Force Organizers: Zoë H. Wool, Tyler Zoanni Panelists: Anna Eisenstein, Terra Edwards, D... More

Lights Out: An #AmAnth2018 Panel Response

Lights Out: An #AmAnth2018 Panel Response

Lights Out: The Darkroom Organizer: Mayanthi Fernando Panelists: Lisa Sang Mi Min, Mayanthi Fernando, Franck Billé, Elizabeth Dunn, Lucinda Ramberg, Eduardo Koh... More

How Should We Think of the Sentinel Islanders?

How Should We Think of the Sentinel Islanders?

The last time the inhabitants of Sentinel Island were caught in the glare of global media attention was in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami. The image of a Sen... More



Omnipresent and versatile, hormones shape what it means to be human in fundamental ways. Hormones are often described as signaling molecules or chemical messeng... More