Member Voices showcases the intellectual vitality of the SCA by featuring the work of its members, as well as archived content from discontinued Fieldsights sections. We publish short pieces which engage contemporary disciplinary conversations within anthropology. We welcome submissions which put current events in conversation with anthropological thought and literature. We encourage creativity and collaboration, aiming to create a forum which propels the discipline in new and exciting directions.

How to Submit

View the submission guidelines. Please email Member Voices Section Editor Riddhi Pandey at with any questions. Authors must be current members of the SCA.

Bateson Book Forum: The Resonance of Unseen Things

Bateson Book Forum: The Resonance of Unseen Things

In The Resonance of Unseen Things: Poetics, Power, Captivity, and UFOs in the American Uncanny, Susan Lepselter describes the affects and networked logics that ... More



We think we know what injustice feels like. We can identify moments in our own lives that felt like oppression, like the refusal of freedom, like a wrong. And w... More

Academic Precarity in American Anthropology: A Forum

Academic Precarity in American Anthropology: A Forum

If as many as 80 percent of doctoral students in cultural anthropology are not getting tenure-track jobs, then why are PhD programs in the United States almost ... More



Many anthropologists drawn to experimental forms of ethnography have gravitated toward images as method. Lisa Stevenson (2014, 10) has proposed an “anthropology... More

A Tiger’s Leap into the Past: An Interview with Anand Vivek Taneja

A Tiger’s Leap into the Past: An Interview with Anand Vivek Taneja

Anand Vivek Taneja’s recently published book Jinnealogy: Time, Islam, and Ecological Thought in the Medieval Ruins of Delhi speaks of lives in conversation with... More

Producing Pleasure: Emotional Labor and Substance Use in Brooklyn’s Queer Nightlife

Producing Pleasure: Emotional Labor and Substance Use in Brooklyn’s Queer Nightlife

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

Microdosing at Work: Reworking Bodies and Chemicals

Microdosing at Work: Reworking Bodies and Chemicals

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

Armed with Red Lipstick

Armed with Red Lipstick

This essay is part of an online supplement to the Openings collection on “Chemo-Ethnography,” which was edited by Nicholas Shapiro and Eben Kirksey and featured... More

Anthropology and Undergraduate Desire: An #AmAnth17 Panel Review

Anthropology and Undergraduate Desire: An #AmAnth17 Panel Review

Anthropology and Undergraduate Desire Panelists: Richard Handler (University of Virginia), Lee Baker (Duke University), Charlie Piot (Duke University), Alexand... More

Unfinished: An #AmAnth17 Panel Review

Unfinished: An #AmAnth17 Panel Review

Unfinished: The Anthropology of Becoming Panelists: João Biehl (Princeton University), Peter Locke (Northwestern University), Angela Garcia (Stanford Universit... More