Member Voices showcases the intellectual vitality of the SCA by featuring the work of its members, as well as archived content from discontinued Fieldsights sections. We publish short pieces which engage contemporary disciplinary conversations within anthropology. We welcome submissions which put current events in conversation with anthropological thought and literature. We encourage creativity and collaboration, aiming to create a forum which propels the discipline in new and exciting directions.

How to Submit

View the submission guidelines. Please email Member Voices Section Editor Riddhi Pandey at with any questions. Authors must be current members of the SCA.

Reflections on Ethnographic Writing Today

Reflections on Ethnographic Writing Today

Serving as the jury for this year’s Gregory Bateson Book Prize gave the four of us a remarkable opportunity to take the pulse of the discipline. It provided a r... More

Race-ing Fargo

Race-ing Fargo

On July 25, 2017, what started as a parking dispute in Fargo, North Dakota turned into a verbal altercation between Amber Hensley, a white woman from the small ... More

The Household

The Household

How are the worlds in which we live shaped by the ways that households are thought and made? How does the scale of the household shape the spatial and temporal ... More

Activist Mobilities and the Viacrucis Migrant Caravan

Activist Mobilities and the Viacrucis Migrant Caravan

As we arrive at the first checkpoint in Huehuetan, Chiapas, everyone seems to hold their breath, uncertain of how the authorities are going to respond when a gr... More

Fieldnote as Political Weapon: James Comey’s Ethnographic Turn?

Fieldnote as Political Weapon: James Comey’s Ethnographic Turn?

Watching the testimony of former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey live on television, I came to realize—one more time and with politic... More



When it comes to the study of practice, one of the main challenges for ethnographers is often the question of their own proficiency. If it is widely regarded a ... More

Bateson Book Forum: The Mushroom at the End of the World

Bateson Book Forum: The Mushroom at the End of the World

Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing’s beautifully written ethnography The Mushroom at the End of the World evokes the forms of life that emerge in the ruins and fissures—the ... More

Race and the Good Liberal

Race and the Good Liberal

The black man is perfect, cried James Baldwin. Surely he knew the pitch of his prose. Those like me—the middlebrow intellectual, proud reader of Black thought—t... More

Reflections on a Multimodal Experiment: On the Golden Snail Opera

Reflections on a Multimodal Experiment: On the Golden Snail Opera

At a snail’s pace . . . how long can we humans live that way—or if not live, at least look at a patch of silty ground under the water of a rice paddy? There’s a... More



In a global order marked, on the one hand, by unfettered mobility for the powerful and their resources, and, on the other, by the strengthening of borders to ke... More